A few months ago Connexys was taken over by the American company Bullhorn. A real ‘rollercoaster’, that’s what Marketing Director EMEA Serge de Klerk calls the takeover at Recruitment Tech TV.
In September it became known that Bullhorn bought the shares of the Dutch Connexys. Both organizations supply software that is used in the flex industry. Connexys, which is now fully integrated with Bullhorn, specializes in offering recruitment software built on the Salesforce platform. Bullhorn wants to develop further in Europe with the acquisition, as De Klerk also emphasized during the interview.
“Of course, a whole process precedes. In September it was announced and then the whole rollercoaster started. From technical migrations to the personnel. But we also quickly saw the benefits of being part of a multinational, a global player”, explains De Klerk in the video above. “They particularly liked our strong position in Western Europe, with large customers in the Netherlands and Germany.”
According to De Klerk, the focus is still on Western Europe, so the Salesforce product is not going to America yet. “Not yet at this moment. We concentrate with the Salesforce product on Western Europe. If there is interest from other countries, specifically for this Connexys product, then of course we don’t say that we wouldn’t do that. Then we go into conversation. But the focus, also in terms of marketing, remains on mainland Europe. We still see plenty of opportunities there. ”
In the above video, De Klerk also talks more about the ambitions of the organization in 2018, with focus on making the name Bullhorn even more prominent. The Marketing Director also focuses on the internationalization of the company in Rotterdam, working in Boston and changes for the customer.