At Unleash Amsterdam Recruitment Tech TV spoke with Krzysztof Sobczak of Emplocity. Emplocity is a company that provides a solution for non-stop automated candidate sourcing. Emplocity contains an AI-based platform using an in-house built algorithm, data science and machine learning to automate the candidate sourcing process.
About Emplocity
Krzysztof Sobczak explains what Emplocity does: “Emplocity is a solution for recruitment automation. We automate the process from A to Z. It is a recruitment platform and a chatbot, but we prefer to call it a taskbot since it fulfils some practical tasks. The chatbot is implemented on the clients career site and it engages with visitors that come to the clients website or it can reach out to candidates on social networks. Especially Facebook, because we believe Facebook is still quite a useful and valuable source of candidates.” Krzysztof Sobczak continues on the process. “By engaging with candidates on Facebook, it can automatically transform candidates into the recruitment platform. Our platform automatically imports all the job ads from our clients – from their career site, from their ATS – and the engine matches all the candidates the taskbot engages with, with the job ads in the platform. The recruiter gets a shortlist of the best candidates which can be invited for an interview with one click.” Emplocity is mostly used by big corporate clients in the financial sector. Krzysztof Sobczak explains: “We work with clients with high recruitment needs and high fluctuation. The average conversion rates on the career sites is about 8-9% and we can increase this 2 or 3 times up till 20-25%.”
Benefits of Emplocity
To the question what kind of benefits Emplocity brings to the recruiter, Krzysztof Sobczak answers: “Obviously it saves time. We use the term Intelligence Automation, obviously with A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). It can help the recruiter with all the manually and repetitive tasks. In terms of selection and matching it is a great alternative. Our focus is on our engine that can work 24/7 and is much more effective and faster than a human and never tired.”
Roadmap for 2019
Krzysztof Sobczak rounds off telling something about the roadmap for 2019: “We are heading towards voice and soft skills assessing, because we believe that there are many vendors and competitors on the market that only focus on the hard testing and hard skills. So we started a big R&D project for the soft skill testing to make the solution complete.”