ToTalent Live 2021, presented by the renowned Hung Lee, is a free three-day event taking place from the 23rd to the 25th of March, with three sessions per day. In particular, three strategic recruiting subjects will be explored, and you will be provided with some of the most informative knowledge available.
All-star cast
The world around talent leaders is evolving at the speed of light as they struggle with a range of challenging micro-tasks. Whether it’s diversity recruitment, quality-of-hire, or the difficulty of motivating and optimizing a team of TA professionals, there’s something for everyone. Totalent has assembled an all-star team to assist you with the most important problems you face on a regular, weekly, or annual basis. Enjoy talks from Bas van de Haterd, Vessy Tasheva, Hung Lee, Julie Sowash and many more!
From the 23rd to the 25th of March, three sessions will be held each day, beginning at 14:00 CET.
Day 1: Diversity Recruiting
Tuesday March 23rd, 14:00 – 17:00 CET
The majority of polling would show that diversity is one of the top priorities for CEOs and executives. It’s simple to diversity-wash your business, but have you considered the advantages of doing so? Have you considered how to truly integrate diversity into your recruiting as workers inquire more of their employers? All these questions will be answered on day 1.
Day 2: Quality-of-hire
Wednesday March 24th, 14:00 – 17:00 CET
Stop using time-to-hire and cost-per-hire as metrics. Via quality-of-hire, let the data speak for itself. What are the right metrics to use? What are the advantages for your company? Discover this at day 2.
Day 3: Boosting your team
Thursday March 25th, 14:00 – 17:00 CET
A great leader has a team of experts, each with their own area of expertise. How do you empower your diverse Talent Management team, even though they have to work from home? How do you make your TA team more efficient? This is what you’ll learn on day 3.
Tickets are free. More information on the website of ToTalent Live 2021