As a recruiter, you need to stay up to date with the latest trends, tools and tricks. Whether you’re starting to use assessments or video in your recruitment for the first time, or have been doing so for a long time, it’s important to keep learning about the dynamic world of recruitment. That’s why we’ve put together a list of four tech books you as a recruiter should definitely read.
The Robot-Proof Recruiter – Katrina Collier
The Robot-Proof Recruiter allows you to become the recruiter that candidates trust and want to talk to. The book explores the tools you can use to draw a potential candidate’s attention in the midst of all the online recruitment violence.
Recruiting in the Age of Googlization – Ira S. Wolfe
With Recruiting in the Age of Googlization Wolfe teaches you how you can (or should) use data to optimize your recruitment. To excel as a recruiter or to grow your recruitment consulting business, understanding people analytics is a must.
Social Media Recruitment: How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy – Andy Headworth
This book offers an in-depth insight into how social media can be used to attract talent. The book provides practical guidance for all recruitment professionals interested in using social media in their recruitment.
Hack Your Hiring – Shaun Martin
Hack Your Hiring gives you the tools and strategies you need to identify, evaluate and engage the big talent for your organisation. This book focuses on the ‘broken’ recruitment machine and how you can solve this through tech and other means.