Facebook is experimenting with a Google for Jobs-like system. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman came with this news in their recruitment podcast ‘The Chad & Cheese Podcast’. The big advantage for Facebook: they avoid complaints about competition distortion.
Facebook Jobs
Facebook ‘scrapet’ jobs from career pages and automatically adds them to the organisation’s Facebook page. Organisations must indicate that the vacancies may not be transferred to Facebook. Because of the enormous amount of data Facebook has from its users, the medium can easily assess whether someone is looking for a job. In that case, the vacancies can be shown to the relevant users on Facebook. This should eventually also become the revenue model of Facebook Jobs, as soon as parties pay in the form of advertisements to have these vacancies shown.
According to expert Bas van de Haterd, this is not only being tested in America, but also in the Netherlands at ABN Amro and Boskalis, among others (see screenshot of the Boskalis Facebook page). You can also see that it is still in beta, for example, reference articles and ‘the vision’ have been posted as vacancies at Boskalis.
Search engine
“Facebook is doing what Google for Jobs would have wanted to do. The nice thing about this is that Facebook doesn’t have to worry about competition distortion, like Google for Jobs is seen by the job boards and they got problems with the European Commission. After all, no politician sees Facebook as a search engine, so they can do what they want in this area.”
“Facebook is going to do what Indeed did years ago: post vacancies. Nobody believed at the time that this had a chance of success, but now they are the place to go when you’re looking for a job. This can become really huge in the long run, as long as they do the execution better than in the previous attempts”, predicts Van de Haterd.
Podcast: Facebook Goes Google for Jobs
Below you can listen to the edition of ‘The Chad & Cheese Podcast’ about Facebook Jobs: