Startup Traits finder

What is your tool/what does your tool do?

Traits finder is a remote hiring and assessment solution that uses linguistic (Lexical) analyses. With a chat interaction we can generate a personality profile based on the Big5 personality pillars and its facets ‘’the traits’’. With the use of our chatbot we establishes a direct interaction, asking your questions to the candidate. Our clients are able to create and customize both the chat bot questions as well as the pre-selection algorithm to match the best candidate.

What is your tool a solution for?

Traits finder add’s value to any business in any branche that hires people. We will streamline the hiring process and reduce BIAS while saving time. Our SAAS solution can measure and match, both Hard skills and Soft skills. With Traits finder you can quickly innovate any hiring process. Inclusive Hiring, built team Diversity and find best fit for your teams. With Traits finder you have the ability to start the hiring process remote and save up time.

What makes your tool special?

Yes, Traits finder is fully customizable and easy to use. Yes, Traits finder is one of those chatbots… But Traits finder doesn’t work like decision trees or marble tracks, it does not care about the actual answers. This way our customer can created maintain and change the questions. Traits finder has little to none bias and will deliver a great overview of the candidates personality traits. You have given your candidate full attention, while you were not there.

What is the target group (on the customer side) for your tool?

Traits finder add’s value to any business in any branche that hires people.Traits finder’s ideal customer hires all year through and is open to innovation. In this company the employees are valued. The Company has a positive candidate journey in a high regard. As an extra plus in the candidate journey this can be achieved by providing a personality profile to the candidate as an extra gift.