Assessments are becoming increasingly popular and say a lot about a candidate’s personal skills and characteristics. Time for expert Bas van de Haterd to take a critical look at the different types of assessments in his new Whitepaper.
Whitepaper: Modern assessment tooling
“In this white paper, I’ve written down my own experiences with all new forms of digital assessment tooling”, says Van de Haterd. “This quest to learn more about these technologies started several years ago and I’ve been privileged to test a lot of tools over these past years. In this white paper, share my findings of the different tools and technologies.”
Strengths & weaknessess
“Tools are best described by real-life examples. Although this white paper is a general overview of the different technologies, their histories, strengths, weaknesses, and potential, my own experiences with this technology will be a part of this white paper as well”, he writes on LinkedIn.
You can download the Whitepaper via the website of Talent Acquisition Live. Click here and enjoy reading!