In 2020, it will be difficult not to think about video recruitment in the recruitment world. In recent months it has evolved from a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘must have’. This is because this way of recruitment is efficient and easy and can be done from different locations, all even before a live interview has taken place. In this article, presents 10 advantages of video recruitment in talent acquisition.
What is video recruitment?
We talk about video recruitment when video is used in one of the steps in your recruitment process. Usually it’s used in pre-screening. In video recruitment 2 types can be defined:
- Live video, which includes tools such as Skype, Teams and Zoom.
- Automated video interviewing, candidate answers questions by filming himself/herself and forwarding these videos to the recruiter. Examples of companies that offer these tools are Cammio, Flipbase and Hirevue.
In this article, we will focus on automated video interviewing.
Advantages of video interviewing:
1. Less traveling
A video interview is time-saving for both the candidate and the recruiter. Candidates are able to do the interview independent of place and time. Where and when he or she wishes to do so without the need to travel. In turn, it allows the recruiter to process the interview more easily whenever he or she wishes.
2. It’s cheaper
Getting a headache because you are exchanging e-mails days or even weeks in a row, while trying to find the most suitable time for all participants is a thing of the past. Recruiters do not have to meet more candidates in person in the first round, which lowers costs and reduces scheduling problems.
3. Easy to use technology
It has always been the case that technology is very easy to use. Both the candidate and the recruiter can record a video in just a few clicks without having to download anything or log in and so on. Many tools also give the option to integrate with existing software.
4. You can explain your application procedure
Candidates would like to know what the next steps in an application process are and when they can expect them. By clarifying your application process, you will be able to distinguish yourself from other employers. video can be a great vehicle for this.
5. Improved preparation for applicants
when you opt for a recorded video interview with a fixed structure the process is more uniform. The candidate can thus better prepare his/her answers, which also reduces possible stress.
6. The rewind button
You have the opportunity, as a recruiter, to review a specific answer to be sure that you have really understood everything and that there were no misunderstandings. It is also useful for avoiding losing the overview or forgetting candidates.
7. Team evaluation
Team members can evaluate. This allows multiple points of view to evaluate a candidate, allowing a better choice to be made compared to traditional interview methods.
8. A good way to show of your company
Video recruitment is a two-way street. Both sender and receiver must introduce themselves. A candidate is much quicker to make a good video CV if the employer does the same to introduce himself. But this is also a great opportunity. In this way, you can introduce the applicant to your company much better than with a description in text, plus this video can also be shared over social media.
9. Video scores well in SEO
In the field of SEO video scores very well. Posting videos on your website and/or vacancy via Youtube can boost this webpage in Google’s search results. As a result, your page will be found faster by potential visitors, resulting in more visitors on your channels.
10. It improves your employer brand
By using corporate videos you sketch a picture of your employer brand. Job videos help you to visualise the job and work atmosphere. And these videos demonstrate that you know better than anyone what’s going on in your industry.
It is now up to you to see if this way of recruitment fits into your company and matches your target group of applicants.